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WHSMS Carpentry - Contents

Part A - Introduction 

1. Company Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
a) Company WHS Policy

2. Workplace Consultation
a) Workplace Consultation Policy

3. Management Responsibilities and Structure
a) Roles and Responsibilities Register
b) Organisation Chart 

Part B - Training and Supervision

1. Training and Competency

a) Training and Competency Policy

b) Skills and Competency Register

c) Training Plan

d) Training Register 

2. WHS and Company Inductions
a) Worker Information and Induction Checklist
b) Site Safety Induction Register
c) Policy Agreement
d) Medical Register – Worker
e) Subcontractor or Visitor Attendance Register 

Part C - Risk Management

1. Hazard Reporting and Risk Management

a) Hazard Reporting and Risk Management Process

b) Risk Management Procedure

c) Hazard Identification Checklist

d) Hazard Report Form

e) Risk Assessment Worksheet

f) Risk Treatment Plan

g) Risk Action Plan

2. COVID-19 Risk Management

a) COVID-19 Policy

3. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
a) SWMS Template
b) SWMS Register

4. Site Safety
a) Site Safety Management Plan (minor works)
b) Key Roles and Responsibility Register
c) Emergency Information and Contact Numbers
d) Site Safety Rules
e) Site Safety Checklist
f) Office / Warehouse Inspection Checklist
g) Electrical Tagging Register

h) RCD Testing Register
i) Waste Management Plan Template
j) Site Safety Forms Checklist

5. Subcontractor Management
a) Subcontractor Management Policy
b) Subcontractor Safety Checklist

c) Subcontractor Register

6. Fire and Emergency Procedures
a) Emergency Procedures
b) Emergency Procedures Flip Chart
c) Fire and Emergency Response Plan
d) Fire and Emergency Evacuation Drill Register
e) Fire Safety Training Register
f) Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance Register

7. Hazardous Substances
a) Hazardous Substances Policy
b) Hazardous Substances Risk Checklist
c) Hazardous Substances Register
d) Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Register

8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
a) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
b) PPE Register - Company
c) PPE Register - Worker

9. Company Plant, Equipment, Tools and Vehicles
a) Plant and Equipment Policy
b) Plant and Equipment Hazard Checklist
c) Plant and Equipment Register
d) Plant and Equipment Maintenance Register
e) Tools and Equipment Register - Worker
f) Tools and Equipment Repair Register
g) Vehicle Inspection Checklist
h) Vehicle Maintenance Register

10. Manual Handling
a) Manual Handling Policy
b) Manual Handling Hazard Checklist

11. Purchasing
a) Purchasing Policy
b) Purchasing Procedure and Checklist
c) Purchasing Register

12. Environmental
a) Site Environmental Policy
b) Site Environmental Checklist

13. Noise
a) Noise Policy
b) Noise Control Procedure and Checklist

14. Remote or Isolated Work
a) Remote or Isolated Work Procedure

15. Stress and Fatigue
a) Stress and Fatigue Policy
b) Stress Checklist
c) Fatigue Hazards Checklist

16. Psychosocial
a) Psychosocial Hazard Checklist

17. Shift Work
a) Shift Work Policy

18. Alcohol and Drugs
a) Drug and Alcohol Policy
b) Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
c) Drug and Alcohol Procedures
d) Alcohol – Responsible Service Checklist

19. Internet, Email and Mobile Phones
a) Internet and Email Policy
b) Mobile Phone Policy

Part D - Incident and Injury Management

1. Incident and Injury Management Procedures

a) Incident and Injury Management Policy

b) Incident and Injury Management Procedures
c) Return to Work Program

2. Incident and Injury Reporting
a) Incident and Injury Report Form
b) Incident and Injury Register
c) Traffic Incident Report Form

3. Incident and Injury Review
a) Incident and Injury Investigation Form
b) Lost Time Injury (LTI) Register

c) Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Register

4. First Aid
a) First Aid Policy
b) First Aid Requirements and Plan

5. Workplace Violence and Bullying
a) Workplace Violence & Bullying Policy
b) Workplace Violence and Bullying Procedures

6. Disciplinary Procedures and Counselling
a) Disciplinary Procedures and Counselling

Part E - Record, Review and Improve

1. WHS Meetings and Toolbox Talks

a) WHS Meeting Procedures

b) WHS Meeting Minutes Form
c) Toolbox or Pre-Start Talks - Topic Guidelines
d) Toolbox or Pre-Start Talks - Topics Register

e) Toolbox or Pre-Start Talks Form

2. Complaints and Corrective Action
a) Complaint Form
b) Non Conformance Report Form
c) Corrective Action Register

3. WHS Audits
a) WHS Audit Checklist
b) WHS Audit Register
c) WHS Legislative Requirements Register

4. WHS Performance
a) WHS Performance Guidelines
b) WHS Performance Register

5. WHS Document Control and Review
a) WHS Forms Register
b) Documents Issued to Workers Register
c) Document Review Register

Part F - Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Work Process SWMS

  1. Asbestos - Working Around
  2. Boom Lift
  3. Ceiling Grid Installation
  4. Cordless Power Tools
  5. COVID-19 (Working around others during COVID-19)
  6. Deck and Pergola – Timber
  7. Demolition
  8. Door Installation
  9. Driving Vehicles
  10. Electricity and Power Tool Safety
  11. Elevated Work Platforms
  12. External Wall Cladding
  13. Fascias, Eaves and Guttering
  14. Fencing - Steel
  15. Fencing - Timber
  16. Fire Door Installation
  17. Framework – Timber / Steel
  18. Hazardous Substances and Chemical Use
  19. Insulation Installation
  20. Joinery / Cabinet Making
  21. Loading and Unloading Vehicles
  22. Manual Handling
  23. Painting
  24. Plasterboard Works – Wall and Ceiling
  25. Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) Dust Control
  26. Scaffold – Fixed
  27. Scaffold – Mobile
  28. Site Establishment
  29. Skip Bins
  30. Skirtings and Architraves
  31. Skylight Installation
  32. Stair Construction
  33. Steel Stud and Track Installation
  34. Wardrobe Installation
  35. Work in Ceiling Space
  36. Working at Height
  37. Worksite Hazards

Tools SWMS

  1. Angle Grinder
  2. Band Saw
  3. Bench Grinder
  4. Chainsaw
  5. Circular Saw – Portable
  6. Compressed Air
  7. Disc Sander
  8. Drill Press
  9. Drop Saw
  10. Electric Drill
  11. Electric Plane
  12. Explosive Power Tools
  13. Fuel Powered Tool Safety
  14. Hand Tools
  15. Ladders
  16. Nail Gun
  17. Panel Saw
  18. Radial Arm Saw
  19. Slide Compound Saw
  20. Wet and Dry Vacuum