Engineered Stone Banned!
Engineered Stone Banned!
When your Safe Work Method Statement is up-to-date, it’s a sensible friend. If it’s lapsed however, it’s a fool not to be followed. “Is that SWMS template current?” is a question worth asking. Fortunately, WHS legislation is relatively stable at the moment, but when change does occur, it's usually significant, quickly implemented, and the ripple-through effects are often burdensome. A one-word change in legislation can result in the alteration of hundreds of SWMS procedures. So how do you keep up? How can you stay current? That's what we're looking at today.
This is the fourth of five articles that are unpacking the areas of mindset, method, leadership, currency (being current or up-to-date)and affordability. If you'd like to read the article that summarised these areas, you’ll find it here.
Safe Work Method Statements do not ALWAYS change, but they can, and an error can be profound in its impact - even fatal. It's definitely worth getting it right.
The tips that follow will help you avoid a misadventure or disaster.
Are you aware of recent movements in Industrial Manslaughter laws? Did you know that:
The National Safety Council of Australia provided a great state by state summary in their March 2020 ‘National Safety’ digital magazine. It’s a great service and membership is thoroughly encouraged. You can learn more about this here (and I’m not on a commission).
Another area of interesting change and development is that of Respirable Crystalline Silica (which we wrote about in July 2019) is. Did you know that:
You can learn more about crystalline silica here.
Perhaps you already knew, perhaps you didn’t, but change is a reality - even when they don’t apply equally to every jurisdiction. But if it did, would you know?
Here are some tips to stay current.
In the last four years we've alerted you, via our articles, to significant changes impacting the Environment (Sep 2016), wiring rules (AS/NZS 3000:2018) (May 2019), RCS, or Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) (Jul 2019), and most recently, Coronavirus (Apr 2020). If you'd like to review those articles, simply follow the links.
Each change resulted in Safe Work Method Statement amendments. As a result, our clients have also received a variety of direct and targeted notifications and updates. We work hard to keep you informed of changes to legislation or regulation - especially if those changes affect a product you previously purchased from us.
We provide complimentary updates to products for two years (if the changes are not too cost-prohibitive), but the law is layered and complicated, so we can't guarantee to cover everything. We encourage you to also take advantage of update services from relevant organisations, such as:
SWMS templates vary significantly in the way they are used and treated. Consider these five when, where and how examples:
These examples may leave you feeling a bit discombobulated [I've always wanted to use that word :) ]. Rather than worry, you might be better off letting someone else sweat the details.
If you have a dependable supplier (like us), you don't have to stress about this.
Why not? Because:
It might be helpful to expand on the point just made (item 6)
The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) conducts audits to check if you are complying with minimum legislative compliance. The offices of WorkSafe, SafeWork, Work Health and Safety and Comcare do the same (depending on your jurisdiction). If you'd like to see more on the OFSC audit process, you'll find it here.
They want to see evidence of compliance. There may be technical or industry standards that you are following. That's fine, so long as what you're doing provides a hazard and risk management process that is equivalent or higher to the standard required in the code.
As a Principal Contractor, you don't have to have the same level of expertise as a subcontractor conducting an activity. Nevertheless, you are required to ensure SWMS documents are in place where needed, and that they are of a satisfactory standard.
Two issues flow from this:
If your WHSMS (system) uses SWMS's as documentary evidence of compliance, you are going to be continually changing them. Legislative changes will flow down to your lowest SWMS template. It doesn't need to be that way.
Workplace Health and Safety Management Systems (WHSMS) provided by Occupational Safety Solutions are smarter than that. Our resources are flexible, responsive, non-obstructive and easy to work with.
As the Y2K bug was approaching, a spokesman from Apple said (words to the effect of), "We might not have answers to every question, but we were clever enough to realise the year 2000 was coming."
There’s a lot to be said for wise planning and design. We've planned with change in mind, so that you can benefit.
You can view our WHS Management Systems here.
In addition to being automatically kept up to date with changes (for two years), all our SWMS templates are:
You can access our Safe Work Method Templates here, and our SWMS Industry packs here.
As we’ve already explained, if you read our emails (and you don't change your email address), we’ll keep you abreast of most changes. But how can you improve your odds of not losing something significant in an often too-full inbox?
One solution is to assign the careful checking of those emails to someone’s role description - as a fortnightly or weekly routine. You might also assign a notification alert to particular supplier emails (such as ours).
The person you assign this to should be:
Please don’t miss the last item. The executive of the Principal Contractor is responsible. Even if you engage a consultant in an onsite and recurring manner (which we don’t do), that still won’t remove your liability.
If you’re one of our clients, or you're considering becoming one, make the call. You’ll usually speak with an expert on the first connection. If not, you’ll receive a call back ASAP.
To ensure your Safe Work Method Statements stay current,:
Our Safe Work Method Statement templates are here, and our SWMS Industry packs here. All are very affordably priced, and if you don't find what you need, make contact, and we'll discuss your needs and provide a free quotation for a SWMS Pack tailored to you. Residual Risk SWMS Templates are also available on request.
Remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so we encourage you to review and strengthen what you can. In this article series, we've considered mindsets, methods, leadership, and today, the issue of currency (being current or up-to-date). Next, we'll look at affordability.
We hope you’re feeling empowered and supported.
If you have questions or product inquiries, call 1800 304 336 or Request a Callback by completing the online form. Keeping people and businesses alive is what we do!