→ YOU PAY ONCE - There are no ongoing fees or hidden licensing.
→ YOU CAN GET UNDERWAY NOW - Within minutes of your purchase, you can have ready access and work with fully editable, thoroughly explained, industry-leading resources.
→ YOU BECOME FULLY COMPLIANT - All resources fully comply with safe work australia who develop national WHS (Work Health and Safety) legislation, regulations, codes and standards.
→ WE HAVE YOUR STANDARD - Products are available for the continuing but superseded AS/NZS 4801:2001 and also its replacement AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018. If in doubt, ask us!
→ YOU STAY INFORMED AND REMAIN CURRENT - We keep our clients informed of regulatory changes and relevant safety issues. When resources are updated, these are provided to existing customers either free of charge or at a substantially discounted rate.
→ YOU ENJOY SANITY-PRESERVING PERSONAL SUPPORT - All our clients receive personal ongoing telephone and email support from our skilled Australian team of local industry specialists. There are no card-reading offshore workers or sales staff; we're a team of technicians and specialists. Supporting you is what we do. It is our strength, and it is our pleasure!
Our solutions are organised to help you quickly find what you need. If you feel like you've wandered off course, or you keep finding solutions that aren't right for you, return home and start again or give us a call. We'll guide you through navigating the options and answers so you make the best decision in a time-efficient and financially astute way. We want you to have a healthy workplace!
You will find the following product groupings:
- Safety Management Systems for both WHS (AS 4801) and OH&S (ISO 45001) standards
- Safe Work Method Statements
- Industry Specific Solutions (resources for specialists)
- Additional Safety Document Templates for both WHS (AS 4801) and OH&S (ISO 45001) standards, and
- Management Plan Templates (used for specific projects and sites)
Would you like to understand these resources better? Let's explore each of them briefly.
Your Safety Management System is the bone and muscle that enables and fuels the safe work procedures of a healthy working environment, enabling your people to work safely. An effective system will:
- Help you reduce incidents and injuries,
- Comply with all relevant laws, regulations, standards and codes,
- Add to the competitiveness of your tendering processes,
- Assist your personnel management, and
- Expand the quality of your business outcomes and profit margins.
Our systems will guide you to achieve these outcomes. They will empower your people to be deliberate, consistent and effective in implementing and recording safe work tasks and practices. We help you do business with minimum risk.
Safety management systems are available for both the continuing but superseded AS/NZS 4801:2001 standards as well as its replacement AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 standard.
You can buy the universal templated safety management system, or you can purchase a specialised industry pack. The industry version includes the management system as well as the trade or industry specific SWMS that are appropriate. Both OH&S and WHS options are designed to empower your workplace safety in an industry specific way and ensure a healthy and safe workplace.
Safe Work Method Statements began to replace Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or hazard risk assessment and Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) documents in 2011. Sadly, it took the tragic 2003 death of 16-year-old Joel Exner (an apprentice roofer) - and a loud and persistent furore in the years that followed - to make change happen. Since then, however, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) have become the staple resource of construction industry WHS (Work Health and Safety) or OH&S practices.
A SWMS resource is required for a range of high-risk construction work tasks or activities, but their use has also been extended into almost every aspect of any safe work procedure - such is their effectiveness and efficiency in supporting workers to identify control measures, control risks and stay safe.
'SWMS' has indeed become a very good four-letter 'word'.
Our safe work method statements:
- Fully comply with WHS (work health and safety) legislation, relevant regulations,codes of practice and standards.
- Contain all the information necessary as well as helpful extras.
- Are appropriately labelled as required.
- Sequence activities logically.
- identify hazards and clear risk factors.
- Describe control measures.
- Describe implementation, monitoring and review actions.
- Clarify and communicate what is essential and what is not.
- Make it very clear who is responsible.
- Do this without overwhelming or distracting the user.
- Direct workers to additional data where appropriate.
We've received a lot of positive feedback about our SWMS documents. We're pleased they convey this clear, essential and compelling message: "Be careful! Plan, think and follow these specific steps."
You'll find all our SWMS resources here, and in the same location, you can filter the resources by industry. We are super happy to help you ensure a safe workplace.
Our industry-specific solutions are package solutions that look after specialists. They include:
- A WHS or OH&S Management System,
- Industry-specific safe work method statements, and
- Additional safety documents of relevance and value, if applicable.
Assembled using our team's workplace experience, expertise in resourcing a type of safe work procedure, and the immeasurable wisdom that comes from helping thousands of customers identify hazards and solve their challenges over 12 years, these package solutions have proven themselves as wise and economic investments time and again.
If by chance you have a different need or an unusual situation we have not covered, give us a call, and we'll discuss your options.
From air conditioning and audio-visual, through concreting and painting, to roofing and welding, we have industry packs for 23 specialisations. If we don't already have you covered, please give us a call and we may be able to create a custom solution with you.
Beyond safety management systems, SWMS resources and industry pack solutions, what remains is a range of additional safety document templates and the more specialised and highly sought-after management plan templates (used for a specific type of project and site).
You can access safety document templates to supplement another purchase, solve an immediate and specific need, or create a bespoke solution. Unless you're an unusually specialised or small operation, this won't be the most effective way to go - but we've catered for it just in case.
To use this section effectively, you should know the following:
- What safe work procedures you want to resource.
- What standard you wish to comply with (WHS AS/NZS 4801 or OH&S ISO 45001).
- What search terms or labels are likely to be effective (there are a lot of documents).
If you do feel equipped for the task:
- Open the WHS AS/NZS 4801 or OH&S ISO 45001 list,
- Use the "Sort" function (top right) to view and search the "Best Selling" list.
- (If necessary) check the "A-Z" list.
If still unsure, give us a ring on 1800 304 336. We're here to help.
Our Management plan templates are designed to enable project and site-specific work safety practices / safe work procedures - AND ensure you meet the due diligence requirements of your local jurisdiction. They also address the specific needs of a range of focus and compliance areas. These include:
- Health, Safety and Environmental (combines WHS & Environmental)
- Project (combines WHS, Environmental & Quality))
- Work Health and Safety (only)
- Environment (only)
- Asbestos (only)
- Quality (only)
Remember Joel Exner, the 16 year old boy who fell from a roof while an apprentice? We mentioned when talking about control measures used in SWMSs. He changed the Work Health and Safety (WHS and OH&S) landscape forever. HE impacted Andrew Watters, our business founder and principle also. Andrew was working on site, close by, on the day that tragedy happened. On that day, work health and safety topics became very, very real, and very, very personal. Everyone deserves to work in a healthy and safe workplace. This can only be acheived by using safe work procedures and ensuring equipment is in good working condition.
With absolute sincerity we tell you a devotion to both individual lives and individual businesses keeps us focused. These necessary foci guide and drive us, and it is why we know two sure truths: all safety resources are not created equal, and our solutions genuinely are exceptional. We assist employers in supporting workers use safe work procedures, control risks and ensuring a safe workplace. Safe Work Practice is foundational!
Our resources are:
- Supported by relationship, not a 'see ya' one-time sale event.
- Compliant across jurisdictions, not single-state focused.
- Affordably priced, not expensive and exploitive.
- Well researched, not casually compiled.
- Comprehensive, not piecemeal.
- Systematic, not chaotic.
- Flexible, not restrictive.
- Dynamic, not static.
We hope the information shared is helpful, and we encourage you to make the call so we can walk the journey with you. A Healthy Workplace improves productivity.